There are the ones i keep. A few dah kene delete sebab tak menepati citarasaku. My current favorite is "PowerCam".
Gambar tah hape hape, but i like what it can do.
Gomol time with Tok Bah.
Of course my 16gb can't take much photos in, I'd have to transfer it elsewhere. Sang Suami bought iPhoto app for iPhone, iPad, and mbp. So, dah beli kan, pakai ler.. without realizing my "photo stream" function is on, i have all my photos screwed up as in uploaded where it dun belong.
With iCloud, when you take a photo on one device, it automatically appears on all your other devices. No syncing. No sending. Your photos are just there. Everywhere you want them.
I dun get it. Why do I wanna do that? I don't want pics I take to appear on other devices. So, i had it on. 350 photos uploaded on my fon. And I can't seem to be able to delete it. Off the function, turn it back on, it's back.. arghh.. *pull hair*.. Last last off aje!
Alrity now. Mikayla is finally asleep. it's 19/04 @ 0415 hrs.
Sekian. Chalos.
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