Monday 30 April 2012

28th April 2012

The day was 28th April 2012 . I'd like to only think that it was Abah's birthday. 

I refused to look up or Google or even follow up on BERSIH that day. Today, i manage to look see some blogs via a friends shared link.

one word -  sad.

i just felt that i was watching an incident in Syria, or even Mexico.. ok fine closer, Bangkok! that could not have been my country. i come from peaceful Malaysia. 

Kerana setitik nila, rosak my susu sebelanga.. 

Why people, why?

Sekian. Chalos.


  1. Sad.. but funny.. gi blasah POLIS pastu buat repot POLIS kata POLIS ganas.. apekehe?

  2. hahaha yes true. nanti rumah kene rompak, anak kena colek, jangan cari polis! cari lah geng2 kunin ka hijaa ke.. sendiri mau hengat!

    *uih tetiba terasa bahang la plak*
