Sunday, 29 July 2012

Tabasco Pepper Sauce

Ever since school days, I've always had pizza with tabasco. One fine day sum time last year, tabasco was not served in Pizza Hut anymore, staff reasoning, ada customer sakit perut.. (ah ?&$%) apparently it is TIDAK HALAL. As it has DNA ba-alip-bi.

Why is it not sold under "non-halal" when it is JAKIM certified as tidak halal?


Sekian. Chalos.

Yes, image above is taken at home because husband bought it at cold storage. The question is, how many people would google e.g. "HP Barbecue sauce tidak halal?" to just find out tabasco pepper sauce is tidal halal. How about Lea & Perrin sauce? it is from the same HP company? *fenin fenin*

the above letter was found at Pengesahan JAKIM on Harian Metro website dated 18th November 2011.

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